The Winter King

Season 01




One Big Picture, Bad Wolf, Pictures Television








Concept Art & Matte Painting


Tanguy Lemonnier, Déborah Morali, Frédéric Gaudin, Aurélien Ronceray

Based on Bernard Cornwell's epic novel series, The Warlord Chronicles, dive into the world of The Winter King season 1 with us, through concept art and digital matte paintings breakdowns.

The Bold Brush Team experienced immense satisfaction in bringing this captivating narrative to life.
Immerse yourself in the breathtaking landscapes inspired by Britannic scenery, meticulously crafted by our talented artists. From sweeping vistas to intimate settings, we've created digital backgrounds that transport viewers into the Cornwell fantasy realm.

The digital matte paintings above showcase the Dumnonia landscapes enveloping the CaerCadarn Castle. Developed by the Bold Brush Team, these digital matte paintings serve as the backdrop for various scenes, offering versatility in shot composition and camera angles. Drawing inspiration from the serene beauty of Scottish landscapes, our team has created a hilly, verdant terrain that exudes tranquility and grandeur.

On fallowings shots, Bold Brush provided its expertise and creativity to every stage of visual development and matte painting, all in service of enhancing the storyline. This approach often results in offering multiple versions that are easily adaptable throughout the various stages of refining a shot.

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